dental crowns

What is a dental crown?
A dental crown is a tooth-shaped covering designed to restore a tooth's shape, size, strength, or appearance. Once cemented in place, a crown covers the entire portion of your tooth that sits above your gum line.
Dental crowns are incredibly versatile and can correct a number of problems. The team might recommend a dental crown to:
Restore a damaged tooth
Protect a weak tooth
Support a tooth
Hold a bridge in place
Cover a dental implant

What is involved in getting a dental crown?
Getting a dental crown requires two separate appointments.
At your first appointment, the team performs an oral exam and takes a series of X-rays. If you have a tooth with extensive decay and there’s a risk of infection, a root canal may be necessary.
Before making your crown, your dentist administers a local anesthetic to numb your teeth and gums. Next, your provider carefully files down your tooth that’s receiving the crown. After reshaping your tooth, your dentist uses putty to make a series of impressions. Finally, your dentist covers your tooth with a temporary crown. At the end of your appointment, the team sends your impressions to a laboratory that manufactures your permanent crown.
A week or two later, you return for your second appointment. At your second appointment, the team administers a local anesthetic and cements your permanent crown in place. The entire process takes between 45-60 minutes.